From FAQ website:
I used an image recover or backup software, now my USB drive is showing a much smaller capacity than it was before this procedure was performed.
If you have used a program that is not compatible with larger USB flash drives, it will resize the partition to a smaller size. Please discontinue use of this program with the flash drive, use the recommended size that the program calls for and follow the steps below to return your PNY flash drive to its original capacity.
- 1. Open Command Prompt
- 2. Right click on Command Prompt(cmd.exe) & Click on Run as Administrator
- 3. Type 'diskpart' Press enter.
- 4. Type 'list disk' Press enter. (this will list the drives on the computer, be sure to notice which disk number the Flash drive is, if you are not sure stop here)
- 5. Type 'select disk X' Press enter. Replace X with the number that your computer assigned to your USB drive.
- 6. Type 'clean' Press enter. If there is an error, stop here.
- 7. Type 'create partition primary' Press enter.
- 8. Type 'format fs=exfat quick' Press enter.
- 9. Type 'active' Press enter.
- 10. Type 'assign' Press enter.
- 11. Type 'exit' Press enter.